Matthew's Shoes



Tiny little things aren't they;
These shoes that came home with him.
Imagine that whole foot once slid easily
into that tiny living space.

He was so little then.
So much in need of our home.
So precious.
Oh, how we needed his spirit in our house.
Oh, how we needed his spirit in our lives.

How much he has grown.
How much our love has grown.
How much God must love us.
I remember now:
"Cheryl, where is Matthew's shoes?"
"Shoes On!"
"Shoes On, Daddy!"
"Tie Shoes!"

There is magic in these shoes.
I look at them and I travel through time.
The first trip to church.
The first steps.
The first birthday.
Do you believe in Magic?
Magic, it's in there.

So little these shoes,
And yet so big this magic.
So little,
Yet so much power.
So many memories.
So much love.

So much love.




Tim  2/15/94


